A case manager will review your admission and ongoing stay in the hospital with your health care team to ensure safe and timely care coordination in the hospital and at discharge.
A group of volunteer ministers are available to all patients and their families. Please contact your nurse to request these services.
A registered dietitian will review your medical record and work with your health care team to develop a nutrition care plan for you. Registered dietitians also are available to educate you about any diets you may need to follow after you are discharged.
Your attending physician oversees all of your care; writes orders for medications, procedures or tests; and monitors your condition.
Hospitalists are at the hospital 24 hours a day providing care when your attending physician cannot. They monitor your condition, work with your attending physician to implement your course of treatment and provide around-the-clock medical care.
Advanced practice registered nurses examine, diagnose and treat patients. They are part of the health care team, and also perform wound checks and evaluate patients during the postoperative course.
The nursing staff works together to implement the plan of care developed to help you meet your treatment goals. The nurses see to your physical and psychological comfort.
The nurse manager is in charge of your unit and oversees your care. If you have any questions or concerns about your care, please bring them to the attention of your nurse manager.
Your registered nurse works with the interdisciplinary team to develop your plan of care. This nurse monitors your progress. You may discuss your plan of care and progress with your nurse.
Nursing assistants are an important part of the nursing team. They are available to help with basic care: feeding, bathing, walking and toileting.
While you are in the hospital, all of your medications are dispensed by our hospital pharmacists. They can answer any questions you have regarding your medications.
As part of the routine monitoring of many hospitalized patients, blood is drawn by a trained phlebotomist and sent to the laboratory for analysis.
Physical therapists may evaluate and treat you in your room or in the Physical Therapy Department for programs designed to improve your strength, flexibility and ability to perform daily activities.
Part of the health care team examining, treating and diagnosing patients. Physician assistants help surgeons during operative procedures and follow the patient for pain management, dressing changes and anticoagulant management. They evaluate patients after discharge in the office setting.
A radiology transporter may come to your room to bring you to the Radiology Department for specialized diagnostic tests. These tests may include X-rays, CAT scans, ultrasound or nuclear medicine.
The respiratory care practitioners provide various therapies and education to ensure quality lung health. They also are an essential part of the critical and emergency care team.
Social workers provide individual and family counseling, referrals to community resources, financial assistance, help with discharge planning and institutional placement. Social workers are assigned to each hospital unit.
Dedicated volunteers augment the services provided by hospital employees and your physicians. These men, women and young people provide support throughout the hospital, including delivering mail, newspapers, books, arts and crafts, and flowers.
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