You may be dropped off at the Admitting or Front Entrance. You will meet with an Admitting representative who will ask you for your insurance and other information to complete your admission process. You will also be asked to sign standard consent forms.
Located in the main lobby.
Location: Lower level
Weekday Hours:
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Electrical appliances, including electric razors, hairdryers, fans, clocks, radios and TVs, are not permitted in patient rooms. You may only use battery-operated devices.
Fire drills are held regularly. Please stay in your room until the drill is complete.
Location: Main lobby
Syosset Hospital’s Volunteer Department operates the gift shop, which offers get-well gifts, stuffed animals, greeting cards, jewelry, handbags and scarves. Purchases cannot be added to your hospital bill.
The Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Literacy (ODIHL) provides Language and Communication Access Services for people with limited English proficiency (LEP) or for people who prefer to have their health information provided in a language other than English. Free medical interpretation and document translation services are available 24/7.
Sign language interpretation services for deaf and hearing-impaired patients and specific communication tools for speech-impaired patients are also available. Language assistance coordinators at each facility provide support and guidance and ensure that our patients’ unique communication needs are met. For more information, call (516) 881-7000.
The hospital’s Lost and Found is maintained by the Security Department. You may call the Security Department at ext. 6470.
Regular mail is delivered to your room by volunteers on a daily basis and is forwarded to your home after discharge. Telegrams, packages and flowers are delivered to your room as soon as possible.
Patient menus are provided daily. You will automatically receive the chef’s special at each meal according to the diet prescribed by your doctor. If you choose to select from the alternate menu, contact Nutrition or your nurse.
Serving Hours:
Breakfast: 7 a.m. – 8 a.m.
Lunch: 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Dinner: 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Nutritionists and diet technicians are available if you have questions or concerns about your diet. Ask your nurse to speak to a Nutrition representative.
Kosher meals are available for free. Speak with your nurse or contact the Nutrition Office if you would like to request a kosher meal. If you would like a guest tray (for a fee), please order it in advance by asking your nurse to notify the Food & Nutrition Services Department.
Leave your medications at home. While you are in the hospital, medications will be prescribed and provided for you.
When you arrive at the hospital, a free valet service attendant will take care of your car.
Visits from chaplains of the major faiths are welcome. Chaplains are available on an on-call, voluntary basis. Call the Volunteer Office at ext. 6446 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or speak to your nurse manager during other hours.
The Pastoral Care Program is designed to help patients cope with the stress and fears related to their hospital stay. Pastoral care associates are volunteers from the community who are specially trained to help you with spiritual resources and inner strengths, even if you are not religious. Pastoral care associates can visit you at any time and are available on an on-call basis. Call ext. 6446 or ask your nurse manager for help.
If you have valuables, such as jewelry and cash, please give them to a relative or friend to take care of during your stay. You may want to have some cash in small amounts with you. This hospital does not have a safe for valuables. Syosset Hospital cannot be responsible for any valuables kept in your room.
You may elect to use your own private duty care. Northwell Health Staffing Services can provide registered nurses and certified nurse assistants for the one-on-one care dedicated exclusively to your recovery. Our private duty specialists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to discuss and arrange to meet your personal needs. Call (866) 831-2206.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the hospital. We offer “Quit-For-Keeps” to smokers, an outstanding program run by Northwell Health, located at 225 Community Dr., South Entrance, Great Neck. For more information about this program, call (516) 466-1980.
The surgical waiting room is located in the first floor lobby. Your immediate family can wait there while you are in the operating room. A hospital representative will keep family members updated about the patient.
Television service is available free of charge.
Located on the basement level in the cafeteria.
You may wish to bring the following items from home:
Syosset Hospital offers private and semi-private nonsmoking rooms. Patients are assigned rooms as they become available. If you request and receive a private room, additional charges, not reimbursed by your insurance company, may apply.
Use the remote-control devices that are accessible from your bed to raise or lower the lights over your headboard, control your TV, change the position of your bed or call your nurse. For your comfort, your room’s temperature may be controlled by the unit located below the window.
Please do not get out of bed by yourself or leave your room, unless you have your doctor’s permission. If you do get out of bed, make sure the bed is in the lowest position. If you leave your room, let the nursing staff know where you are. Please do not leave the unit unless you are with a staff member.
Additionally, please do not get in or out of a wheelchair without help. Be sure that the brakes are locked when you are getting out of the wheelchair.
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