Syosset Hospital joined Northwell Health in 1995, prior to its merger with Long Island Jewish Medical Center. Syosset provides medical care and advanced technical services performed by skilled, compassionate professionals and support staff trained and certified in the latest medical procedures. It also has a strong commitment to community health. Its 104 beds include a well-equipped special care unit and a Behavioral Health unit.
The Emergency Department treats more than 15,000 patients each year and has a trauma unit and eight treatment beds.
The Radiology Department has the most advanced, high-speed CAT scan technology available. The Abdullah Mishrick, M.D., state-of-the-art Surgical Suite performs advanced laparoscopic and general surgery procedures. In addition, Syosset is a Center for Bariatric Surgery, performing laparoscopic band procedures as well as bypass surgery, and is a dedicated Center for Orthopedic Excellence.
More than 45,000 local residents receive the hospital’s community newsletter on health care developments and hospital services. Syosset is a vital institution serving the residents of the community in the best possible way. The hospital has membership in local service organizations, joins schools and community organizations in special events, sponsors health fairs and screenings, and offers patient education programs. More than just a place for the sick to heal, Syosset Hospital is a true resource for community well-being.
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